Monday 14 July 2008

Pig Idiom

Pig Idiom ‘猪’成语
Have you ever seen a pig fly?
Neil: .I’m Neil and with me today is Yang Li.
Yang Li: 大家好,在今天的地道英语节目中我们一起学习成语,是吗 Neil?
Neil: Yes we are, and that idiom is – pigs… might… fly. Pigs might fly.
Yang Li: 字面意思是说猪可能会飞。可是我就不明白了,猪压根儿不会飞,那这儿为什么说猪可能会飞呢?
Neil: Well, that’s exactly it Yang Li, pigs don’t fly. So we say ‘pigs might fly’ when there is no chance of something happening at all.
Yang Li: Ah 我明白了。在英语里,当我们想表达一件不可能发生的事情时,就可以用 pigs might fly 这个成语。能给我们举些例子吗?
Neil: Of course. Say for example you’re running a marathon for the first time and you’re not a very confident runner. A friend says to you – how long do you think it will take? Four hours? You would say – and pigs might fly because you know there is no chance of that happening.
Yang Li: 如果你不是一个非常擅长长跑的人,你决定参加马拉松,一个朋友说你在四个小时内可以跑完,这时你就可以说 pigs might fly;也就是说绝对不可能!

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