Monday 8 September 2008

The Opening Ceremony

Content:The 2008 Beijing Olympics began officially on Friday 8th August 2008 at 8pm in front of a crowd of 90,000 eager spectators in the Bird's Nest stadium.

eager spectators 热切的观众们;skyline天际;countdown倒数计时;intricately-choreographed复杂的编排;take centre stage;到舞台的中心thunderous reception;雷鸣般的接待;hoisted 被吊起来; predecessors 前任,;ingenuity独创性;towering高大的;
things got off to a bang 非常成功的开始;energetic充满活力的;sequence次序;vignettes 小插曲,小片断;flag bearer旗手;cauldron大锅,;outdid 超越了;synchronicity 同步性;inspirational 鼓舞人心的;pull it off 圆满完成

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